Monday, June 4, 2012

Stewards Inquiry Required

Well, well, well, it would appear that some readers and fellow runners have an issue with using the Garmin as a source of truth for PB's and will only allow official results to stand. So it seems that my "pb"on saturday didn't count and I am still not a sub 39 runner despite having hard evidence to the contrary. MC and a couple of other lads weighed into the debate, started by Tom on this very blog, while out for the long one today. Based on this nonsenical approach to recording run times, I still haven't broken 90 minutes for a half marathon either. Adam was aslo spouting off about IAF rules etc etc while Dave and I will always know we made a little magic together on Saturday morning.
Anyway, on to today and I did the whole set for the first time in ages and felt really good, which was surprising after such a hard, fast run on Saturday. So all up 15.6kms in 1.10 (unless of course the garmin can't be trusted, in which case it might have been 1.11 or maybe 1.12 - who would know) and felt strong on the last 5kms. Stats for today at for those of you who think these devices are useful.
Tempo run tomorrow and that will be it until Friday due a school interview for Hamish on Wed and a lunch on Thurs.


  1. Mate, my brother wouldn't speak to me for weeks after he ran 2:59:56 (net) and 3:00:01(gun) and I told him it didn't count as a sub3.

  2. Craig I'm with you on the net v gun time when taking PBs. Tom is always on the front of the start so he has never had to wait 1 or 2 minutes to cross the line after the gun. Net time is a fairer reflection of how fast you ran from the start line to finish. Why should you be penalised by big crowds? Your position in the race should be your gun time but you can say "I ran 21.1k in my net time" because that is true and if you had of had Tom's privaliged start position then that is the gun time you would have run.

    Self timed race PBs are just not on though. You need to have the official timing back you up somehow and you get that with net v gun. Sadly there was no such facility on Saturday and gun time is the only one you can take. Next time get closer to the front.
