Friday, January 27, 2012

Wednesday, Friday and Sat

Out for the long Hurts run on Wendesday and the legs felt pretty tired after Tuesday's effort. Only 6 of us including MC, Tom, James, Todd and the Yorkshire Tim. Didn't feel great for the entire run so only did one lap of Centennial and came back very slowly with Tim but I was out and got 15kms in so that's what counts. Stats are at
Had pizza and pavlova on Aussie Day, so headed out for a ride yesterday morning with Nick and Chris and selfishly suggested a 20km time trial around the park, given I have a Kurnell coming up. We manege 5 laps and pretty happy with just under 19kms in 34.05 minutes, averaging 33kms/hr and holding around 6.50mins per lap of CP. Given I have been on the bike twice since Christmas my run fitness must he helping out. Stats are at and all up about 25kms in the morning. I also did the Hurts run session at lunchtime and was hoping for an easy 10kms or so, but got a workout of 11kms in sub 50mins. About 10 of us out including James and Russell but the group quickly split in two and I was caught in no man's land around Farm Cove. Stayed at the back with James and still averaged 4.27 pace. Stats are at and a good finish to the week.
I got out at lunch today for a quick swim at Clovelly and managed to get a km done in about 16/17 minutes - was high tide, pretty choppy and some serious currents opposite the surf club.
Not a bad week all up and might get out for a ride in the morning or have a long lie!