Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tom's Shoulders

Managed to get out for the Hurts session yesterday and keeping mind the physio's advice just did the normal Friday set easy and came back to Circular Quay for 10.5km at an easy pace and a decent end to the week. Good crowd out for a Friday with Mike, Tom, Laura, Brendan among others and a guest appearance from Charlie. Run stats are at
I mus say that Tom must be doing quite a bit of swimming as his shoulders are biceps are looking pretty buff and he was even doing some butterfly strokes while running in prep for the last ABC biathlon next week.
Hoping to get a ride in on Sunday morning weather permitting.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, getting pretty confident with my 100m freestyle repeats. Need to make a few corrections to my tumble turns but hoping to nail them on Thursday.
